I work in the curation, management, analysis, and visualization of data, mainly to understand complex systems in biotech R&D. I'm currently employed at a large multinational corporation, previously I was a contractor doing similar work, and before that working as a bioinformatician in a hospital research department.
I have a "pretty much D" from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities in Plant and Microbial Biology, where my thesis was focused on understanding how varying environmental conditions affect mutualisms. I decided to leave the program after 5 years and take a Master's on the way out. Previously I was a research assistant at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Plant Physiology, after completeing a BSc in Biochemistry and Minor in German from University of Wisconsin-Madison.
I also spend a lot of time thinking about developing sustainable / regenerative / resilient ecosystems, and am working to transition our family farm to such a system.
I got involved with Mitch Kluesner's project in developing an algorithm to use Sanger sequencing to quantify the amount of editing in cells modified with base editing technology. The amount of editing is normally quantified using Illumina sequencing, costing much more and taking more time than the cheap (~$3 / sample) and fast (1 day) Sanger sequencing method. I refactored Mitch's algorithm in R and wrote a Shiny web app to make it more user friendly and widely available to the community.
Check out the website, the GitHub repo, and the bioRxiv.org preprint.
Und wenn du lange in einem Terminal blickst, blickt der Terminal auch in dich hinein.